Reflections on the Human State

I witnessed talent today.
Someone who could harness the energy in the room and take us on a ride along with her.
Her versatility, her comfort level, her utter human state.
It was like being naked, when you like being naked.
It was being vulnerable, but also completely impenetrable.
The layers of pretending are stripped off, and all that’s left
Is you.

People amaze me.
When you really see someone meeting their ability, basking in
who they are.
Not who they strive to be, who they pretend to be, or who they once were.
But who they ARE. Right now.
It’s as though they are vibrating on a different frequency level,
the electrical current pulsating through them.
You feel it. The air feels different. It’s a perfect harmony.
And you feel so honored and fortunate to be a witness.

I think we’ve each had those moments. Within our own bodies.
I know I have.
Its not an every day moment, or a common occurrence,
But enough to remind me – that I’ve arrived.
Here I am.
This is me. This is SO right.
This is who I was always supposed to be.
Right here. Right now.
In this state of knowing, that envelops you with its radiance.
Like coming home after a long trip.

Is it truth?
Is it presence?
Is it embodying the essence of what it means to be truly alive?
What is it?

3 thoughts on “Reflections on the Human State

  1. “It was like being naked, when you like being naked.” – Ugh, this is such a good line that it makes me angry haha.

    This is such a fantastic way to reflect on seeing someone live in their talent and the ways it impacts those watching.


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